At Chancellor Park, we are committed to ensure that all pupils receive high-quality, well-planned PE lessons delivered by confident and well-trained teachers. Our Physical Education provision aims to deliver these 5 key indicators:
- Increase confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport.
- Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity.
- The profile of PE and sport is raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement.
- Broad experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils.
- Increase participation in competitive sport.
Our School is part of the Chelmsford School Sport Partnership. Mrs Pammen, our school P.E leader attends termly meetings on sport and P.E. Which ensures that we are all kept up to date with new initiatives and training opportunities. Through this partnership we are able to ensure that 100% of our pupils in KS1 and KS2 have the opportunity to represent the school and participate in competition with other schools within the Chelmsford area.
Our curriculum is fully inclusive so that our highest achieving pupils are challenged, whilst our SEN children can access lessons in a way which is suited to their needs. We also aim to given children the maximum opportunity to be physically active at playtime too. In addition to our curriculum lessons, we also offer a range of after-school clubs, run either by school staff or by Essex Kids Camp, Parallel Sport or other external providers. Sports taught at Chancellor Park include but are not limited to athletics, badminton, basketball, cricket, dance, dodgeball, football, gymnastics, yoga, hockey, tennis, tag rugby and rounders.
During the Summer term all of the children participate in our annual sports week where children will try sports that they may not have had the opportunity to frequently play before e.g. archery, new age kurling, crazy golf and boccia. Sports week is also when children will compete in races against their peers.
We are also proud to have been awarded with the KS1 Active Essex Schools’ Award and the Gold Award in the School Games Mark.
The PE and sport premium is designed to help primary schools improve the quality of the PE and sport activities they offer their pupils. Details on how our school uses the money is provided below.
Sports Premium Funding 2022-23
Long term objectives;
To provide a broad and varied programme of PE to ensure all children have a chance to shine.
Mass participation in sports, to ensure all children get an opportunity to engage and enjoy physical education.
To provide opportunities for children to take part in inter and intra competitions.
To teach the children how to lead an active and healthy life style.
To achieve the gold award for School Games Mark by promoting school games news regularly to parents via our newsletter.
To ensure more less able children (children who are emerging for P.E) have the opportunity to represent the school in a sporting event.
To encourage children to engage in fitness through leading an active lifestyle. (Fitness day, all children given skipping ropes, emphasis on making progress with children’s individual skills and abilities in P.E).
To ensure competition still takes place. (P.E lessons and Virtual L2/3 competitions)
To ensure children are active as much as possible throughout the day, every Mon-Fri.
From September 2013, we will be held to account over how we spend our additional, ring-fenced funding.
(Includes increased numbers of pupils participating in an increased range of competitive opportunities as well as success in competitions)
Ofsted will strengthen the coverage of PE and sport so that both schools and inspectors know how sport and PE is assessed in future as part of the school’s overall provision.
If you have any questions or queries regarding our PE provision please do not hesitate to come and ask me.
Many thanks,
Mrs Pammen
Sports leader at Chancellor Park Primary School
Children Participating in Level 2 Competitions
Over the past 3 years we have seen an increase in both the number of children participating in competitions and the number of competitions themselves .
Please see the links below for a more detailed view:
Participation In L2 Competitions 2019/20
Swimming information
Sports Awards
To date we have gained the following sporting awards
sports awards