Please see the link to our Autumn 2024 clubs
Stay and Play booking for Autumn 2024.
Please see information and booking form below:
Stay And Play
Hosted by Chancellor Park Primary School
Afterschool Club: 3:25pm – 5:00pm/5:30pm
SNP afterschool Club is run by the staff at Chancellor Park for all pupils from Reception to Year 6. This year we are working in partnership with Parallel Sports.
During the session the children will participate in a range of activities including art & craft, ICT, Lego, sports, active play and many more. They will also be given a snack and a drink to kick of the afternoon.
The cost a session is £10. A booking form is sent out in advance of each half term and we ask that this is completed and that payment is made by the date specified on the booking form.
We do offer Ad Hoc sessions however; these sessions are charged at a premium rate of £12.50. This is also dependent on availability.
Children attending can be collected at either 5:00pm or 5:30pm. This can be specified on the booking form.
For further information, including booking forms and terms and conditions, please email the school office: