Safeguarding Provision
Keeping your child safe
What we do in school to keep your children safe
‘Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone's responsibility . Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play.' KCSIE 2023
Our first and foremost priority is to keep your child safe and healthy. Keeping your child safe means:
- The health and safety of all children
- Making sure that the adults who work here have undergone safety and security check
- Protecting children from deliberate harm
- Being an anti- bullying school
- Being proactive against racist behaviour
- Being proactive against attempts to indoctrinate children in to any form of extreme ideology
- Protecting our children from harassment and discrimination
- A positive approach to behaviour management including the use of physical intervention safely, when necessary
- Meeting the needs of children with medical conditions
- Providing first aid
- Protecting children from drug and substance abuse
- Children enjoying safe educational visits
- Caring for children’s personal needs
- Keeping children safe when using the internet and making sure they are aware of cyber bullying.
- Making sure our school is secure and safe
- Being a ‘listening school’
- Ensuring they know who to go to in school if they have a problem
Your child and their health & safety are our number one priority. We employ the following strategies to keep your child healthy and safe:
Child Protection
All staff here at Chancellor Park receive appropriate and regularly updated training in Safeguarding and Child Protection to ensure that they are aware of the school’s procedures for child protection and their responsibilities. We have a written policy and procedures for Safeguarding complying with Local Authority guidance- (updated September 2023). The Designated Teachers for Safeguarding are Mrs C. Mills, Headteacher and Mrs H.Crick, Acting Deputy Headteacher. Our safeguarding governor is Mrs Amber Jones.
All visitors to our school have their attention drawn to safeguarding measures upon arrival at the school in order to support us to fulfil our responsibilities, and any visiting speakers agree to our Visiting Speakers Protocol prior to talking to our pupils with expectations clearly outlined.
All staff follow The Statutory Guidance ‘Keeping Pupils Safe in Education' which was reviewed with staff September 2024
Click KCSIE 2024 to view a copy of the ‘Keeping Pupils Safe in Education’
Recording and Reporting Racist Incidents
Under the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000 and Home Office Code of Practice on reporting and recording racist incidents (2000) schools are required to record and investigate all racist incidents and to report them to the Local Authority on a regular basis. Definition of a racist incident: as recommended in the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry Report 1999: ‘A racist incident is any incident which is perceived to be racist by the victim or any other person.’
Preventing Radicalisation and Extremism
In line with the DfE’s Prevent Duty advice we are committed to actively promoting the fundamental British values of democracy, the Rule of Law, Individual Liberty and Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those with different Faiths and Beliefs. Our core mission of diversity permeates all we do. We place a strong emphasis on the common values that all communities share such as self-respect, tolerance, challenge etc. We work hard to broaden our students’ experience, to prepare them for life and work in contemporary Britain. We teach them to respect and value the diversity around them as well as understanding how to make safe, well-considered decisions and challenge/debate appropriately. We recognise that we have a responsibility to protect children from all forms of extremism and this forms an integral part of our Safeguarding Policy. This includes the use of internet filtering systems in school, to ensure children are safe from terrorist and extremist material when using the internet. Staff are vigilant of signs/indicators which may be visible if a child is vulnerable to extremist ideology. If anyone working in, or visiting our school has any concerns regarding radicalisation and extremism they need to contact the Headteacher who has received specific training around the PREVENT agenda from the Home Office.
If you have any concerns about your child and think that they are becoming radicalised or displaying extremist views, you can contact the school for help. In the first instance, please contact Mrs Mills, Headteacher.
Collecting your child during the school day
We ask that parents try and make appointments where possible out of school hours for their children. If you have to collect your child during the school day for a medical or dental appointment, we insist that we receive notification in writing in advance of the appointment addressed to the office staff stating the times and details, along with appointment confirmation.
If your child is ill
Please keep them at home and notify us by 8.45am on the first day of any absence so that we know they are safely at home with you. We have a policy of contacting parents / carers if we haven’t received a message shortly after 9am. Absences can be reported from 8am by telephone or by emailing the school office.
If your child becomes ill during the day they will be monitored and we will telephone you if we feel it is necessary to do so. Any cuts and grazes resulting from normal play will be dealt with by our first aid trained staff. Any bumps on the head will be reported to the child’s teacher and parents / carers will also be notified via a notification form in your child's book bag in order for you to continue to monitor them. Any significant bumps or injuries the school office will notify you. The school has multiple paediatric first aid trained staff, although the majority of the time, your child will be their class teacher or TA.
The administration of medicines is the overall responsibility of the parents. The headteacher is responsible for ensuring children are supported with their medical needs whilst on site, and this may include managing medicines where appropriate and agreed with parents. If medication is required to be administered during school hours, the parent must supply the medication in a suitable container labelled with the child’s name and complete a form held in the school office giving permission and dosage requirements. Please see our First aid and administration of medicines policy.
First aid and administration of medicines policy
Health Checks
Shortly after starting school our Reception children will see the School Nurse for a health check and parents / carers have the opportunity to discuss any worries that they may have with her. Health checks are carried out at various points during your child’s education however if any parent has a particular concern about their child the school nurse can be contacted via the school office.
For the sake of safety we request that jewellery should not be worn to school, with the exception of small stud ear-rings and watches which may be worn at the owner’s risk.
The Local Authority regulations and our school’s policy state that all jewellery must be removed for P.E.
Fire Drill/ Lock Down
Our fire bells are tested weekly and a fire drill is held each term to ensure the swift evacuation of the building. If you are helping in school and the alarm sounds, please leave by the nearest exit and assemble on the back playground where you will be met by the office staff who will record that you are present from the Visitors book.
The school has in place a Lockdown Procedure that staff are fully aware of.
Fire Safety
The school welcomes representatives from the local Fire Brigade who regularly talk to our children about Fire Safety. They also visit in connection with our Foundation Stage topic ‘People who help us’. We hold termly fire drills to educate our pupils about the procedures they need to follow in the event of a real fire.
Road Safety
As part of our Travel Plan we have set a target to continue to increase the number of children walking and cycling to school. We ask parents/carers to support us and ease traffic congestion by walking your child to school, or by encouraging them to scoot or cycle; this provides an ideal opportunity to teach your child about road safety and traffic awareness. There are parking restrictions in force out the front of the school so, if you do have to travel by car, please park well away from the school entrance for the sake of the safety of our pupils.
Our year 4 and 6 pupils are given the opportunity to participate in cycle proficiency training and are taught how to cycle safely on quiet roads and about road safety awareness. Road safety awareness is also promoted within our foundation stage curriculum and is reinforced and put into action throughout their time here at Chancellor Park when out and about on school visits.
Safety in the playground
Before and after school
The school gates open at 8.45am at which point the school staff take responsibility for children . Classrooms at this point are open, and children are free to be dropped off directly into class.
Children are expected to walk their bikes and scooters up the school pathway in the mornings and likewise in the afternoons to avoid someone being injured.
Dogs are not permitted on the school playground at any time. We ask that if you bring them as far as the school entrance that they are tied up away from the school gate in the interest of those children and adults who may not like dogs.
During school hours
We have very clear rules about behaviour and the use of play equipment in the playground. Supervising adults are outside with the children every playtime and lunchtime and additionally, Playground Buddies are present in the playground to help ensure that playtimes are a happy time for children in Reception.
The school has a variety of play equipment along with designated areas for activities to keep our pupils entertained.
No Smoking Area
Our school building and grounds are strictly a No Smoking area.
The school was built with the security of pupils and staff in mind including:
- perimeter fencing and electric timer gate
- designated and enclosed gated area for foundation stage children to enable them safe free-flow access
- a sophisticated intruder alarm linked to external response
- a modern effective fire alarm system
- door entry system
Although we want to have an open door policy we must balance this against the safety of pupils and staff and we request that parents/carers respect this.
Visiting the school
Any visitors to the school must sign in and out as a visitor and wear their badge at all times.
Visitors receive a copy of our ‘safeguarding guide for visitors’ as a reference document for the duration of their visit outlining the expectations we have on their conduct during the visit.
Gate Duty
Before school in the mornings, staff monitor pupils as as they arrive at the gate. At the end of the school day pupils are dismissed directly to their parents or carers from the individual classrooms, or children who have been given permission to walk home alone are released. There is a member of staff also on duty out the front of school.
Drug Misuse, Sex and Relationships
As part of the National Curriculum appropriate sex and relationship education is taught at age-appropriate stages. Please see our RSHE policy.
Keeping safe is embedded through our curriculum and school's ethos. It is discretely taught to all pupils within our PSHE curriculum, also then again in science and ICT.
Promoting Core Values/SMSC
Chancellor Park Primary School understands that the personal development of each of our pupils as individuals contributes to their achievements and ability to engage in the learning process. We are committed to promoting the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of every child in our care, and believe their development in these areas links directly to their ability to achieve their full potential at school.
Please see our SMSC provision over-view on our school website and how opportunities our school provides for the promotion of these also supports our aim to support our pupils in keeping safe and understanding between right and wrong in society.
Police/Community Officers
We have excellent relations with our local police and community officers who regularly attend our school events and are invited in to different classes to talk about a variety of topics.
In year 3 children go swimming during the summer term. They are accompanied by members of staff who remain poolside during the lesson and closely supervise the children in the changing rooms. The children are taught swimming by a fully trained instructor.
Risk Assessments and School Trips
All school trips involve the undertaking of a risk assessment. When travelling our children wear high visibility tabards clearly identifying them as Chancellor Park Primary School pupils.
It is the responsibility of the whole school to ensure that Chancellor Park school is a bully free zone. We are proactive in promoting a caring and positive ethos between all members of the school community. Every year we have specific weeks which involve workshops for all children covering different forms of bullying including cyber. Pupils are encouraged to ask adults for help. The school has an open door policy which enables us to intervene promptly where pupils experience friendship difficulties to prevent bullying.
Cyber Safety
E-Safety is embedded within our curriculum here at Chancellor Park and is also regularly taught discretely to our pupils. We take cyber safety very seriously.
The school has 2 accredited e-safety safety officers who champion safety in school to pupils, staff, Governors and Parents and regularly provide guidance and training within their role.
The school allocates specific themed weeks to promoting safe use of the internet and anti-bullying workshops which promote how the children can keep themselves safe. During e-safety week, the children will also watch videos and discuss safe internet behaviour using materials provided by the Police CEOP (available at
We have filtering systems in place to prevent children at school from accessing websites considered to be unsafe or inappropriate and encourage parents and carers to be aware of the online material and websites that their children are accessing at home. These are monitored by the E-safety officers and SLT.
At Key Stage 1 children learn the importance of keeping their personal details private and safe and how to behave politely and responsibly online. Children also learn to tell a trusted adult if they don’t like what they see online. At Key Stage 2 these key safety messages are reinforced and through discussion and viewing videos of potential scenarios children will learn about how email and social networking sites work and how they can keep themselves and their friends safe in the anonymous internet world. If we become aware of issues relating to specific children we inform parents and work with them to reinforce/support the child as appropriate.
Regular updates, reminders are sent to parents to support them with safety precautions.
Working with parents
We believe it is fundamentally important to work closely with parents to keep our pupils safe. The school has an open door policy which encourages that two way communication between school and parents to best safeguard our pupils and to provide support and assistance to particular pupils when required.
Please refer to the following policies also for more information on how we keep our pupils safe:
Child Protection Policy 2024
Health, Safety & Well-being Policy
Visitors Policy
Behaviour Policy
Administering Medicines Policy