Chancellor Park Primary School

Chancellor Park
Primary School

Pupil Premium


A Pupil Premium Grant is given to Chancellor Park Primary School to ‘narrow the gap’ between pupils eligible for free school meals, and their peers. The grant is used to support financially a number of key interventions and groups, which are established in the school. Examples of spending the grant this year include additional teaching assistant support in classes; interventions for specific needs (identified by analysis); 1:1 or small-group support; social groups; and also part funding of school trips. Where pupils are already working at age-related expectation, and are making their expected progress, the grant is used to support accelerating pupil progress further through extension and G&T groups.

This grant is used to support and enhance the provision which is already funded through the main budget for all our pupils.

Due to the COVID pandemic, in addition to the normal interventions and groups that are organised to help narrow the gap for our Pupil Premium children, during the course of this academic year, all Pupil Premium children will be offered a block of tuition. These sessions will provide an extra measure of support for them and will be delivered by teachers. They will address areas that each child’s class teacher has identified as a priority. In most cases this will be on a 1:1 basis, but for some, a 1:2 or 1:3 ratio may be appropriate, and in this instance, the quantity of sessions will be increased accordingly.


The school will evaluate the impact for its pupils at the end of each term. Evaluation will include measuring pupils’ academic attainment and progress, in addition to gains in their social skills and self-confidence, which have been developed as a result of the interventions. The tracking will then inform the following term’s foci.

Our focus for Pupil Premium funding last year was to increase the number of children working at expected or above in Maths and English in all year groups, and to accelerate individual pupils’ progress in English and Maths, with particular attention to increasing the number of eligible Pupil Premium children meeting expectations.

We will also remain focused on regaining any grounds lost by the Pupil Premium children due to the disruption to learning due to the Pandemic.

The impact of the Pupil Premium Grant will be measured termly once the data from each year group has been collated. The next review date will be during the Autumn term of 2023.

Please see the attached link to our full Report to parents outlining our Impact and Evaluation of Pupil Premium Spending – Academic Year 21/22 and our Pupil Premium Grant Expenditure Plan for 2022/23

Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2022-23

Pupil Premium strategy statement 2023-2024